domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Youth is the important thing in the world

It is true that people worry about youth, but is youth the most important moment in own life?

On the one hand, youth is the best moment in the life of the person. For one thing you are beautiful and young and you enjoy yourself and find a relationship with a perfect person in addition, you have energy to do all things and you don't have to worry.

On the other hand, youth is temporary and finally you become an adult. When you are young, you are a little crazy and after that period you can find stability.

In conclusion, youth is an important stage and I believe that it's true but we shouldn't become obsessed because there are more beautiful moments in life.

Oral presentation


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Facebook snaps up Instagram for $1bn

Facebook buy the corporate Instagram for $1bn, Instagram allow them people take photos and with "filters" change the aparience of the photos, classic and other and then pubblish in social networks. Facebook says that Instagram worked independly. This is an important buy for Facebook because many people like Facebook because allowed show with photos all the thoughts about people.

In my opinion this is a good think for Facebook because there are a lot of people use this program and with this but Facebook won a lot of money and a lot of new members but I think that the problem that would be a lot of addicts to Facebook and this wich may make worse this problem.

Spain regions: Catalonia to vote in key elections

Today Catalonia a region of Spain vote in eleccions. Artur Mas the president for the moment call early eleccions because it wants to make the most of crisis. The main cause of the eleccions are independence who want the catalan political parties but the national parties say that they look for excuses because they have a several economic problems and a hight debt.

In one hand I think that the eleccions  in Catalonia are good because if catalan politcs parties get self-goverment for Catalonia the get that things will get very better but in other hand there are a problem because catalonia it can be left out of Europe.

Two arrested over Facebook comments in India

Two women have been arrested in India. They publish a comment in Facebook "People like Thackeray are born and die daily and one should not observe a 'bandh' [shutdown] for that." and for this they have been arrested. 
The analysts,periodists and media must are critical with the government because they think that the government attacks the right to freedom of expression.

In my opinion Facebook that's not good because people pubblish a lot of things and in developed countries there aren't any problems but in this kind of countries there are a lot of problems for example these. It's true that the goverment is very hard because they don't have a crime but people in this kind of countries have to be careful with Facebook and other social networks.

The dramatic scene in Oxford Street

This was the dramatic scene, on Mondey in Oxford Street at seven o'clock in the morning.
The incident began when two people were trapped in a car because they were arguing and  their car fell in a hole that was in the middle of the road.
At first two people were very nervous because they were balancing two wheels. then the police arrived but the rescue was very dangerous and they had telephine the firefighters. Later the firemen arrived and the rescue started and two people became calmer.
After a few hours,, the fire brigade resued the two people who were trapped in the car. The two people weren't hurt but the car was destroyed. Later the driver said " It was the most frightening experience of my live, from now I will drive more carefully".

The football match

Last week, I went to the football playground. I was watching a football match, Madrid was playing against Betis. The match was in Santiago Bernabeu and I went to the stadium by bus. I arrived at seven o'clock in the afternoon but the match started at nine o'clock. I went to the front of the stadium and there were a lot of people, people were support Madrid but also there were a lot of people for Ajax. I decided to went visit the museum of Real Madrid, it was fantastic, there are a lot of cups and prizes. The match started and I sat down, my seat was behind the goal post.
The first ocasion was for Real Madrid, but ten minutes later Beñat a player of Betis scored 1-0. When the first half finished Real Madrid was losing 1-0. During the break time, until playersrest, I went to the bar and ate a sandwich.
A few minutes after started the second part, two minutes later Real Madrid scored, it was a draw. After the goal the match was boring until minute 85. The score was 1-1 and at the last minute Real Madrid scored. Everybody went crazy and they were happpy.
The final score was 2-1 and I went home very satisfeid with my team.


My favourite animal is the cheetah, for his great elegance and skill.
It’s the fastest animal in the world, reaching speeds up to 115 km/h, with his great vision, is what makes him an splendid hunter.
But all these characteristics will not be possible without his special anatomy.
His hearth is big since it has to pump more blood to the whole body, his nostrils are very wide for a superior oxygenation and his claws are characterized for having more traction in high speeds.
Definitively, I have chosen the Cheetah because it is very respected animal, because he has to live alone in the warm savannah and for his great hunting efficiency.

At least 117 killed in fire at Bangladeshi clothing factory

A fire in a clothing factory killed 117 people and 200 people were injured. 2000 people work in the clothing factory but the work of the fireman have been saved a lot of lives. The firefighter fight with a fire very hard because there are cotton and yarn. There are a lot of factories of this type in bangladesh and aproximately 6000 people dead in a fire every year.

I believe that the fire is a very big problem and most worring in this countries. People work without social security, without certaintly of actually being paid and in conditions of extrem poverty, work a lot of hours and a lot of children. The lack of security and conditions in this factories is very worryng and this is the reason that dead a lot of people.

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

Boxer Hector Camacho 'brain dead' after shooting

Hector Camacho is a Puerto Rican former boxer. He received a shot in head and now he is in clinically brain dead. The doctor says that they had done all that they can do, but the bale damage three arteries. The shot have when he stay in a car outside a bar and his friend has dead. The family don't no what to do probably  they decide disconect to life support.

In my opinion this is a terrible news because this acts show the security in the countries of sud america.  But the biggest problem that the famous people of the world of sport are still dying and this is very worring, without mention the million of inocent people that still dying too.

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

Archduke Joseph diamond sells for $21m

Few days ago in switzerland, a famouse diamond has been sold for $21 million. The price of his sale is a record for the sell of diamonds and for the producers about this jewell.The diamond has a form of a cushion, weighs 76 carats, has the most purest colour and has one of the most rarity diamond on the world. In the second war world the diamond was sold and hidden in a lockbox, then reappeared in 1961 and finally was sold another time in 1993.

In my opinion this news there aren't very important for the normall people, because people don't have the money to buy the diamond. In this time the majority of the people have a big problems with the economic crisis, and I think that the people with a normal economic level doesn't interesting this news, because they have a more important things to worry about. And finally I think that people with a hight economic level doesn't think to buy the diamond, except millionaires.

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

Final evaluation of 1st Batxillerat

In my opinion this year I have improved my level of English. On September 2011 my level of English are normal level of ESO but in Batxillerat the level increase and this year I think that I learn a lot of English and I have improved my level of English. For example in writings, this year I have made many writings and I have improved a lot my writings.

This year I have made a lot of activities but the activity that show that my level have improved are the writings for the blog. With writings I have improved my vocabulary and my redaction, because now I write are a little bit better that the writings of another years.

In one hand the activities that were useful for my English are oral presentations. With the oral presentations I learn to describe persons, places or another thing, but the most important thing for me are lost the fear to speak in public.

In another hand the activity that I thing not find useful for my English are podcast because with the podcast I only read a writing that I write before.

domingo, 3 de junio de 2012


This year is looking a place to create an Eurovegas. Eurovegas is a group of casinos as in Las Vegas but in Europe. The principal place for this construction is Barcelona. It appears that all are benefits but the principal problem is the destruction of million of areas of forest but this will bring a lot of tourists and many benefits to Spain.

In my opinion the Eurovegas should  will doing in Barcelona because this group of casinos will bring a lot of tourist,  many people, rich people too would come to Spain and they would spend a lot of money here. I think that the Eurovegas would be an ingress for Spain and the new form to make money.

News: Lorenzo wins at montmelo

Lorenzo is doing the best motoGP season of his career this year. Today he wins de race in Montmeló, Spain. He is very happy because he wins in his house and becomes leader of motoGP championship. The race starts with Pedrosa, who is another spanish pilot, as a leader, but the reply of Jorge Lorenzo was wonderful. Lorenzo and Pedrosa mantained a beautiful battle for first place, but finally Lorenzo, who is flying with his Yamaha, wins the race and becomes the leader of motoGP Championship.

In my opinion Lorenzo is the best pilot of motoGP this year. He dominates his motorbike very well and anyone can catch him because he takes the fastest motorbike. I think that Lorenzo will win the motoGP Championship but a small wrong can make Lorenzo loses the motoGP championship.

lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

News: New atraction in Port Aventura

The new atraction at Porta Aventura for 2012 is Shambala, expedition to Himalaya. This is of the kind High Coaster and it is situated in China next to Dragon Khan. Shambala is 78 metres high and it will be the highest in Europe. Shambala will break the records of height, length and speed. Shambala will also go through tunnels. Shambala opens in March and a lot of people are looking forward to this day.

In my opinion this is a good bet for the new year, because in Spain, there aren't atraction of this kind and this attracts a lot of people. Shambala will also affect Dragon Khan, because people who like dangerous attractions will go to Shambala and they won't go to Dragon Khan, so Shambala hasn't got loops.

In conclusion Shambala is a good atraction for Port Aventura and I hope to go there this year.

Criticism of the Hound of the Baskervilles

Dr. Mortimer goes to see Holmes to ask for help about death of Charles Baskerville. Mortimer tells Holmes that Charles Baskerville was killed by a hound and tell him that Henry Baskerville the last of the Baskervilles is arriving. They go to Baskerville Hall and Mortimer tells him about the legend of the Hound. Holmes leaves Watson to investigate and return to London. Watson knows  Stapleton, he lives on the moors and Watson is suspicious of him. Finally Sherlock Helmos, who is hiding in the mountains kills the hound. He discovers that Stapleton, who is to blame, is really a Baskerville and he catches him.

In my onpinion it is an interesting mystery book. This book is a typical Sherlock Holmes story with mistery and murders.
Hound of the Baskerville is a very good book, but at the beginning it is a bit boring.
My favourite moment in the story is when Sherlock Holmes discovers that Stapleton, who is to blame, is really a Baskerville.


The city of Cambridge is 80 km from London, which is the capital of Encland. Cambridge is the home of Cambriodge University, one of the best universities in the world. Cambridge started in 1209, it is a very old University.

Many famous people studied at Cambridge the famous mathematician and physicist, Isaac Newton. He graduated in Cambridge university hundreds years ago. Stephen Hawking, who is a famous phycisit, studied and graduated in Cambridge too.

Cambridge University had very important role in football history. In 1848, people from other schools and universities got together at Cambridge and made the Cambridge Rules, because before each used different rules.


Coca-Cola is the most famous soft drink all over the world. The drink was invented by Dr. John Pemberton, on May 1886 in Atlanta but Frank Robinson, who was his partner gave the name Coca-Cola.

In the first year, only nine drinks a day were sold but nowadays 1'6 billion gallons are sold every year in one hundred and sixty countries.

The business of Coca-Cola was bought by a man called Asa Candler in 1888. He opened the first factory in 1895, in Dallas, Texas, Coca-Cola is still made there. Billions of bottles and cans of Coca-Cola have been produced since 1895.

Apart from Coca-Cola, nowadays the business sells other famous products, for example, Fanta, Aquarius...


The general opinion about T.V is that it is exciting, powerful and very dangerous.

T.V has advantages. It has the power to educate, it is a window on the world and children can learn a lot of things from watching it. T.V is a cheap form of entertainment which gives pleasure to millions of people too.

T.V has disadvantages too. It can turn children into criminals and it is also possible that television has had a terrible effect on family life. People and families spend hours in front of "the box" with a result that there is no comunication between families.

Nowadays there are a lot of people who are addicts and the experts think, that one way of changing this is reducing the hours of television in some way.

In conclusion I think television is just another form of entertainament and if you have and if you have another form of entertainment, you wouldn't be addicted to T.V.

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012


Last year I went to Barcelona in Spain, I will never forget this day, the sun was shiing in a clear blue sky.

In the morning I visited the stone wall, then I went to the beach, here I saw the old port.

In the afternoon I went to the church "Sagrada Familia" it was very beautiful and impressive. It has very strange forms, but it is very beatiful.

Then I went to the " Parc Güell" it was very beatiful too, but "Sagrada Familia" was more impressive.

My last visit was "Camp Nou", the football stadium of C.F Barcelona and its museum.

At the end of the day, I was happy to sit down in a small cafe to have a drink.

lunes, 16 de abril de 2012

John Travolta

John Joseph Travolta was born on 18 February, 1954, in Englewood, New Jersey. His astrological sign is Pisces and he was the youngest of six children. John Travolta is married to Kelly Preston and had a son, Jett who died and a daughter.

Jonh Travolta Studied at Dwight Morrow High School. When he was 12 years old, he got his first acting job in a local actors works hop. When he was16 years old he left high schol to act ful-time.

In 1970 he started his acting carer. From 1970 to 1980, he starred in the films "Saturday Night Fever", "Urban Cowboy" abd the most famous "Grease". In 1977 he won the oscar award for the best actor for his role in "Saturday Night Fever". From 1980 to 1990 he had no starring roles in films.

Since 1990, John Travolta has made a comeback and starred in the films "Pulp Fiction", "Get shorty", "Comback Kid", "Machael" and "Phenomenon".

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was born on 18th July 1918, in Qunu, South Africa.

In 1930 he went to Witwatersrand university. After he received a law degree.
Then he founded the first black law firm in South Africa with Oliver Tambo.

In 1994 he founded the African National Congress, for the activities of this programme he was often imprisoned.

In 1962, he left the country and went to Algeria. In Algeria he received military training. Then when he returned to South Africa, he was arrested for illegally leaving the country. One year later he was acused f sabotage and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

In 1990 after 28 years in prison, Mandela was released. One year later he was elected President of the ANC.

In 1993 he was awarded the Nobel Peace prize and on 10th May, 1994 he became President of South Africa.

In 1996, after 38 years of marriage he divorced his wife two years later he got married again.

Finally in 1999, he retired from politics.

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012

Presentation England

News: Formula 1

The new season of Formula 1 has begun. Now the competitors are in Barcelona, they are doing the pre-season tests. Buttton is the fastest at the moment, but Mark Webber pilot of Redbull and Sebastian Vettel ,who won the tittle last year, are close behind him. Ferrari continued their low-key forms and strucated to understand a rdical new car, with Felipe Massa and Fernando Alonso the spanish pilot.

In my opinion I tink, that Vettel and Webber will soon pass Button and the other pilots, but this year Ferrari, with their first pilot Alonso could face up to Vettel and complicate things, because you don't won the Formula 1 world championship so easly. But in september when the championship ends, the winner will be the same Vettel.

In conclusion, ever thought Ferrari has prepassed a very good car RedBull with the Vettel will continue being the best.

News: Euskadi in favour of clubs for consuming cannabis

Euskadi intends to pass a law to legalize caannabis. Euskadi is the community with the most number of addicts, and with private clubs of cannabis in Spain, so they accept ths law. They are also the most addicted to cannabis in Europe and this is worrying.

In my opinion, this is an absurd law, because cannabis is a drug and drugs are forbidden in all the country. So I think why should this law be passed in Euskadi and in rest of the country no. Apart from being a drug, cannabis is very addictive and if people begin to consume in the private clubs, finally they will consume in street.

In conclusion this is an absurd law and ever thought there are a lot of people who consume there it is still a drug and this is illegal.

News: Oscars 2012

The Oscars are an award bestowed by the American of Motion Picture and Sciences to recognize proffesionals in the film industry, including directors, actors and writers. The categories of awards are: The best actor and actress in a leading Role, best acrtor and actress in a supporting Tole, best animated film and animated short film, best artdirection, best cinematography, best director, vest documantari...

This year the film are " the artist " a french film, has won 5 oscars, the best director, best film, best ctor in a leading Role, best original score and best cstume desing.

In my opinion " the artist " is a good film because is funny and entertaining, but there are a lot of better films like, for example, " Moneyball ".
Also the ceremonies are very ridiculous. The dresses of the stars are very bad compared to other years.

In conclusion, I think that another film deserved the Oscars and the ceremony was pitiful.

jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

Criticism of Tirant lo Blanc

Tirant lo Blanc is a medieval book. The main characters is Tirant lo Blanc. He is a Knight. He is very goof at fighting and he travels around many countries fighting. In these countries he falls in love. He loves Carmesina. She is a daughter of the emperors of Constantinoble.
These emperors didn't accept that of Tirant lo Blanc and Carmesina were in love, so they got married in secret. Finally Tirant lo Blanc saves the emperors in a battle and the emperors gives his daughter in marriage.
Before Tirant lo Blanc is ill and dies, then Carmesina dies two.

In my iopinion, this is a good medieval book because it is entertaining. The book speak about knights, love, friendship but in my opinion the most important is Tirant lo Blanc because he shows us how a knight was in those days.
My favourite part of the book is when Tirant lo Blanc fights with mr. Vilasermes, his enemy.
This is one of my favourite books but there are moments when this book is very boring, but it is the most medieval book of the world.

miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

Wang Dan

Wang Dan was born in 1971 in Beijing. He went to school and in 1989 he studied history at Beijing University. As a university student he was the leader of the Tianmen Square movement. Then he was arredted after the Tianmen demostrations.

In 1991 he was sentenced to four years in prison for revolutionary propaganda. He was realised in 1993.

Between 1993 and 1995 he was arrested several times.

However in 1995 he dissapeared and was later arrested in 1996, accused of conspiring against the gouvernment and he was sentence to 11 years in prison.

In 1998 he was set free because he was ill, but he had to leave the country so he moved to the USA.


the carnival of 2012 started 18 of february. I went to Roses with my friends. We stayed in Roses until 1:00. Then we went to a disco and we stayed hear until 5:00. At 5:00 I went home because the next daay I had play football. But the carnival did not end hear, the following Friday it started in Castello.
On Friday I dressed u with my friends, we dressed up as mechanics. At 11:00 we went to Empuriabrava. We went to Saloon, but at 4:00 I went home, because I had another match .

On satudarday I played a match at 16:00, then I dresed until 9:00. At 9:30 I went with Ivu, who is my friend, to the restaurant in Castello. We had dinner a sandwich and then we went to the party. The party finished at 8:00, then we went home.

My visit to UdG

Friday 19 February 2012, I went to UdG with the school because it was open day.

At 8:00 in the morning, we left Castello and at 9:00 we arrived to UdG in Girona, then my friend and I went to the talk at the law university. The talk finished at 10:00, then we visited the law university with a teacher of the university. The visit finished at 10:20 and then we went to breakfast in a cafeteria. At 10:45 we went to a false court case, it seemed very real. When the court case finished, we went to the economy university, but we waited 15 minutes, because the talk began at 11:30. When it was the time we went to the class, the talk was very boring.

At 13:30 the talk finished and we went to lunch in a restaurant. At 14:00 we finished and we went to the bus. At 14:15 we left Girona and at 15:00 we arrived at school. Then I went home

The importance of the English language

Some years ago, Polish man invented a language called Esperanto to be used us an international language, so that people all over the world could understand each other. However Esperanto never became popular and nowadays English is the international language.

English is the most important language in the world, practically everybody, everywhere speaks some English and every time it's more important especially with the computers and imformation technology.

English is spoken by about 450 million people all over the world. The English language comes mainly from three different languages: German, Norwegian and French.
English vocabulary contains about 300.000 words and his grammar comes from German, Norwegian and French, so many students find learning English is very difficult.

lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

My sister

Sheila, who is my sister, is 22 years old. She lives with my parents and me. She is tall and thin, brown-eyed and she has got long brown hair. She is dark skinned and she has got a friendly face.

Sheila, who is extroverted with everybody, is an expressive and sociable person and she makes friends very easily, but she is very impulsive and gets angry very quickly. She is also generous, funny and untidy. She likes going to the cinema and her favourite kind of films are terror films. She also likes football, her favourite club is Real Madrid and she watches their matches on T.V.

In my opinion, Sheila is a good sister and normally we get on well togheter. Sometimes we argue but that's normal between with brothers and sisters. I think my sister is a very generous and good person, but her worst characteristic is that she is very impulsive. She is very funny so I laugh a lot with her and I often go to the cinema with her.


12 Juniper Roat
2nd December 2011

The Editor
Style Today Magazine
32 Stepney street
London E16 1XP

Dear sir,

I read your magazine last week, and I'm writing in reply to Maria James's letter about school uniforms. It was interesting letter, but I disagree with some of her opinions.

On the one hand, I agree that school uniforms aren't always stylish, but I don't think that they're practical, because people can't see who you are and how you feel withuniforms. I don't think people spend all of their money on clothes, because everybody will buy clothes for the weekend just the same. Finally, I think it's easy to choose your clothes every morning.

I have never wanted a school uniform, but I think people don't like wearing school uniforms because to wear the same clothes is very repetitive.

One day, I'd be intersted to wear a school uniform.

My billion-dollar company

Hello my name is Roger Smith, I have got a billion-dollar company. It's name is NIKE and it's the best selling brand in the world.

At the moment I want cool hunters, experts who hunt for cool people. When I find them, they look trendsetters and they make note of tjeir kind of the trend. Later, I create several prototypes of clothes and sneackers.

Finally, I sell them. This is my way of marketing and starting a new fashion.

My life

Hello, my name is Sergio Iglesias Guillermo, I'm sixteen years old and I live in Castellò d'empuries with my mum, my stepfather, my sister and my dog.

My mum works in Miquel Alimentació, she is a cleaner. My stepfather is a policeman (mosso d'esquadra) and my sister who is older than me, isn'y working at the moment.

I was born in Soria (Castillai Leon), but when I was two, my parents divorced and my mum, my sister and I, went to live La Seu d'Urgell until I was eight years. Later, my mum met my stepfather and then when I was ten we went to Castellò d'Empùries.

Now, I live in Castellò d'Empùries and study first of bachillerato in IES Castellò d'Empùries.
My hobbies are playing footbal and listening to music. I play football in Esplais the club of my town and my favourite club is Real Madrid C.F and I watches their matches on T.V.

Crisis at christmas

Christmas has arrived and children want a lot of toys, but it is complicated for families because of the crisis.

Families have always bought toys for children but this year with the crisis, they will take into account the prices. Everybody will go to the shops and buy the cheapest toys, thinking about what the children want. However, this means that parents will have to look around a lot of shops to compare different prices.

For the last years families went to a shop with their children and they bought a lot of toys for all the family, but now families will go shopping and buy less toys.

The crisis doesn't only affect families but also the shops, their prices will be very competitive.
Therefore, in my opinion I think it will be the departament stores or chain stores that will sell the most toys, because the small shops can't compete with them.