lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

My life

Hello, my name is Sergio Iglesias Guillermo, I'm sixteen years old and I live in Castellò d'empuries with my mum, my stepfather, my sister and my dog.

My mum works in Miquel Alimentació, she is a cleaner. My stepfather is a policeman (mosso d'esquadra) and my sister who is older than me, isn'y working at the moment.

I was born in Soria (Castillai Leon), but when I was two, my parents divorced and my mum, my sister and I, went to live La Seu d'Urgell until I was eight years. Later, my mum met my stepfather and then when I was ten we went to Castellò d'Empùries.

Now, I live in Castellò d'Empùries and study first of bachillerato in IES Castellò d'Empùries.
My hobbies are playing footbal and listening to music. I play football in Esplais the club of my town and my favourite club is Real Madrid C.F and I watches their matches on T.V.

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