lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012


The general opinion about T.V is that it is exciting, powerful and very dangerous.

T.V has advantages. It has the power to educate, it is a window on the world and children can learn a lot of things from watching it. T.V is a cheap form of entertainment which gives pleasure to millions of people too.

T.V has disadvantages too. It can turn children into criminals and it is also possible that television has had a terrible effect on family life. People and families spend hours in front of "the box" with a result that there is no comunication between families.

Nowadays there are a lot of people who are addicts and the experts think, that one way of changing this is reducing the hours of television in some way.

In conclusion I think television is just another form of entertainament and if you have and if you have another form of entertainment, you wouldn't be addicted to T.V.

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