domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

Selft avaluation

The self avaluation is about the book that I was choose in the third term. The book is "The african queen" and then I have the oral exam.

First of all the plot of the story. The story is about one girl that is missionary in one small ville of Central Africa. The countrie is a colony and the settle kill her brother. She escape with one boy in his small boat "the african queen". Finally their fall in love and they destroy the enemy.

The book is wonderfull and it isn't boring but the problem is the oral exam. I have the oral exam and it's difficult for me. I thing that my problem is I don't have confidence in my english and these is a big problem, because always I think that I have mistakes.

The other problem is I don't have a hight level of english and I thing that I must study more and more, but I think that I must do more good.

My conclusion is that I have the mark that I deserve but I think that I mustdo more and more good

Chad: Don’t Welcome Back Al-Bashir

The goverment of Chad will prohibit the entry for the president of Sudan Omar al-basir. He is condemned for attack human rights: genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.As member of  ICC  had will prohibiting and order the arrest identically the other countries that have member of ICC.

In my opinion this is a good thing because Omar al-basir is a bad person, he is a criminall and the police of any countrie has capture him. Independentlly the countrie this is not important, the principal question is capture the expresident of Sudan, and all the countries have to follow this acts to capture the criminall.

Cambridge-based scientists develop 'superwheat'

Ears of wheat

British scientists say that they have find a new type of wheat. This new type increase 30% productivity. The first checks shown most bigger and stronger crop, but this experiment go on for five years more minimum. The scients are happy but they thing that the proces will be more fast.

In my opinion this is a very good thing for the tecnology and scientists because they discover a new type of crowns and they will won money. The other beneficiary are farmers because they increase his productivity and they won time and money. In general is a good thing for majority people, but they are control that this new type of wheat don't cause problems.

Fifa's Chuck Blazer suspended over 'fraudulent' claims

Chuck Blazer

Chuck Blazer a FIFA executive have been suspend, he is acussed to have an incorrect conduct. He has suspend for 90 days waiting for a disciplinary proceedings. He is accussed to receive more than 20 million dollars and more frauds.

In my opinion this is pathetic that a person use FIFA to comit frauds and frauds. This is disgraceful because sports was created for enterteining people no for commit frauds and frauds. This tipes of person will must going to the prison because this is a cancer for the sport.

Ohio authorities: Ariel Castro is girl's father

Ariel Castro the man accused to kidnap three women in his house for ten years fathered a child with Amanda Berry one of the girls was kidnap. Ariel have been acused to kidnap, rape the three girls and force a set of obligation abort. Castro can be condemned to death penalty.

In my opinion this case sample the decadence of the Ohio police, because cannot be possible that a person have three girls for ten years in his house in the same neigbourhood. This is a big problem for the Ohio police and I think that this is a disgrace.

One killed in pickaxe rampage in Milan, Italy

Undated photo issued by Italian police of a man identified as Kabobo Mada, 21, from Ghana

A suspect has been arrested in Italy, he was acussed of killing a 40 year old man and hurt three more with a pickaxe. Police suspect Mada Kabobo is an illegall immigrant, This action has reavived a debat about illegal  immigrants.

In my opinion this is a very big problem for Itally. First of all it's a problem because ther are a dead person and it's a big problem. Secondly because this assassinatation was commit for an immigrant person and Itally must have power over the illegal immigrants because this is a big problem for the countries.

Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson will take charge of his final home game

Sir Alex Ferguson

After more than 26 years such as Manchester United trainer, sir Alex Ferguson will retire after his last match. This day a mitic football player Carrick will retire too. After the match Ferguson will lifting his 38th trophy. For the opponent it's a honor play the last match of Ferguson.

In my opinion this is a good thing for the football, two legends of football will retire and people will learn a lot of things about their. It is sad because Ferguson has brought a lot of things to the football in his 49th years of career, but this is a good example for the sport world.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Imaginary Travel

Laste year I travel arround the world with my family. We visit a lot of countries MExic, USA, ITaly, China, India, but the most impressiont for me was Hawai.We travel to Hawai on 16 July and returns home on 27 July, it was the most beautiful week in my life.
First of all we arrives on the capital, there ara a lot of things and people and it is very beautiful city. We stay in the capital for 4 days and we go shopping and visit the monuments.
The capital was emocionant but the most interesting part of the travel for me was when  we going to small village and we go to beach, an enormous and beautiful beach. The hotel of the village was simple but there are all necessary things. We stay in this village for 5 days and these days are the more impressionants days in my life.
I wish returns to Hawai next year and stay one month in the beach.


Napoleon Bonaparte was born in 1769 in Ajaccio and he was emperator of France. He won wars in Italy and Egipt and beat britain army. This accions was became popular and he establish military dictatorship.
Then he won a war against Hungary and create Napoleonic Code and became crown emperator and Italin King.
In 1905 he invade Portugal and Spain and increase his empire but then in 1912 he attempt against Rusia, but Rusia wons the war. In this moment Napoleon lost Germany. The decadence period of Napoleonic empire starts. Finally in 1915 the Napoleonic Empire desapear and returs the borbons distany to the power.
Napoleon was banished to Santa Elena. He died in 1921 in the Santa Elena island, his legate only was his son Napoleon II.

Ayrton Senna

Ayrton Senna was born in Brasil, Sao Paulo in 1960 and he passed the chilhood in Sao Paulo. Senna start his career when his father gift a kart for his birthday. He won an important prizzes in his chilhood, he was a child prodigy. 
When he was 15 he join in differents teams, but in 1984 he make debut in Formula 1 with Toleman team. He won his first race in Estoril in 1985, from then on he became an idol for Formula 1.
He was mundial champion three times and runner-up in to times. His first racing time was Toleman Hart, but he race with Lotus, Mclaren and Honda too.
His career finished in Imola when he died in accident in San Marino Race . Always people rembember Senna for his personality anf humility.