miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

Wang Dan

Wang Dan was born in 1971 in Beijing. He went to school and in 1989 he studied history at Beijing University. As a university student he was the leader of the Tianmen Square movement. Then he was arredted after the Tianmen demostrations.

In 1991 he was sentenced to four years in prison for revolutionary propaganda. He was realised in 1993.

Between 1993 and 1995 he was arrested several times.

However in 1995 he dissapeared and was later arrested in 1996, accused of conspiring against the gouvernment and he was sentence to 11 years in prison.

In 1998 he was set free because he was ill, but he had to leave the country so he moved to the USA.


the carnival of 2012 started 18 of february. I went to Roses with my friends. We stayed in Roses until 1:00. Then we went to a disco and we stayed hear until 5:00. At 5:00 I went home because the next daay I had play football. But the carnival did not end hear, the following Friday it started in Castello.
On Friday I dressed u with my friends, we dressed up as mechanics. At 11:00 we went to Empuriabrava. We went to Saloon, but at 4:00 I went home, because I had another match .

On satudarday I played a match at 16:00, then I dresed until 9:00. At 9:30 I went with Ivu, who is my friend, to the restaurant in Castello. We had dinner a sandwich and then we went to the party. The party finished at 8:00, then we went home.

My visit to UdG

Friday 19 February 2012, I went to UdG with the school because it was open day.

At 8:00 in the morning, we left Castello and at 9:00 we arrived to UdG in Girona, then my friend and I went to the talk at the law university. The talk finished at 10:00, then we visited the law university with a teacher of the university. The visit finished at 10:20 and then we went to breakfast in a cafeteria. At 10:45 we went to a false court case, it seemed very real. When the court case finished, we went to the economy university, but we waited 15 minutes, because the talk began at 11:30. When it was the time we went to the class, the talk was very boring.

At 13:30 the talk finished and we went to lunch in a restaurant. At 14:00 we finished and we went to the bus. At 14:15 we left Girona and at 15:00 we arrived at school. Then I went home

The importance of the English language

Some years ago, Polish man invented a language called Esperanto to be used us an international language, so that people all over the world could understand each other. However Esperanto never became popular and nowadays English is the international language.

English is the most important language in the world, practically everybody, everywhere speaks some English and every time it's more important especially with the computers and imformation technology.

English is spoken by about 450 million people all over the world. The English language comes mainly from three different languages: German, Norwegian and French.
English vocabulary contains about 300.000 words and his grammar comes from German, Norwegian and French, so many students find learning English is very difficult.