domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011

Hello, my name is Sergio, I'm sixteen. Today I'm going speak about Simoncelli.
Marco Simoncelli was born in Cattolica, Italy and he died in a motorbike race in Sepang, Malaysia. He competed for 10 years but only for two years in Moto GP.
Simoncelli started racing in 1996. He won the Italian minimoto Championship. After in 2002 he started racing in 125 with number 37. In 2003 he changed the number to 58. In 2005 he won this category and in 2006 he went up to the 250 category. In 2010 Simoncelli went up to the Moto GP category, he had made his dream come true. 2011 was Simoncelli's best year but in Sepang he died. He crashed with Colin Edwards and Valentino Rossi, he fell off his bike and unfortunately his helmet came off. Later when he arrived at the hospital he was already dead.
This accident has caused a great loss for the world of motorbikes and for Italy, because he was a young pilot. Even though with his motorbike he was agressive he was a good person.

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Thirteen & Adrian Mole

During the first term of 1 of bachillerato I have read the book Adrian Mole and I have seen the movie called Thirteen.
Adrian Mole, explain a stories of this guy. There parents are separated, he lost his best friend and falls of Pandora.
Thirteen, explain a story of Tracy. There parents are separated, she wants a popular in high school.

The similarities about Adrian Mole and Thirteen are: The main characters are thirteen years old. They have got a best friend. Their parents are separated. They want to get something, Adrian wants to be Pandora's boyfriend and Tracy wants to be popular like Evie and they have
drink alcohol.

The diferences about Adrian Mola and Thirteen are: Adrian doesn't need the drugs to reach Pandora an Tracy need the drugs for all. Tracy becomes a rebellious girl and Adrian not change. Adrian falls in love of Pandora and Tracy just wants sex.

sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011

The pekingese

This dog is very bad tempered stubborn and likes routines. It has definate tastes and if his masters does not do as he was he shows that he is not content. When he is quite young he doesn't let his master.

Put collars or leads on him because he likes to feel free.

I chose this animal because I like it and also because we are like. For example, I am bad tempered with people I don't know and I am also very stubborn. I don't like people to tell me what to do, and I show them that I am angry.

Criticism of Insidious

Insidious is a horror film about demons and spirits. This film was shown for the first time in september of 2011.

In my opinion this a very good horror film, because you are tense and nervous all the time.
When the film starts for the ten first minutes you are a little bit bored, because is the introduction of the story. Then when the demons and spirits appear, you are very frightened, because it is very real.

In conclusion, this is the most terrible horror film I have seen.

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011


Nowadays, fashion is very important for everybody. Evrybody has his own style but they look more at the price and what they like.

Before the crisis, people went to more expensive shops but now they go to the chain stores, for example: Zara, Bershka, H&M... because with the crisis, people can't afford to spend so much money. This is important for the chain stores, because they have gained costumers. Even though the quallity isn't as good as the smaller shops.

Fashion is more important for young people than for the majority of older people. Teenaigers prefer to go shopping with their friends most of all the girls.

Young girls prefer to have more clothes, even though they are cheaper and not a famous brand but the young boys don't mind having less but they prefer to have a famous brand.

NEWS: "Lockout" in the NBA

Recently, the NBA, the professional league of USA, was postponed for an indefinite time, because the NBA managers and managers of other clubs, didn't agree about econom. The NBA wanted a higher percentage than before and the clubs think it this should be the same. Therefore, at the moment there isn't a league.

In my opinion, this is very important for the USA and for the people who like basketball. The NBA is the most important league in the world, and lot of people are very miserable, because the NBA is a great show for the whole world.

Personaly it doesn't affect me, because I don't watch the NBA but I can't understant how the American basketball fans feel.
Morover this affects a lot of players who will have to find other teams outside the USA or stop playing basketball.

In conclusion, I think this is very irritating just because of an economic problem the basketball fans can't enjoy their favourite sport.

NEWS: Gadhafi's son Saif al- Islam captured

19th November of 2011 Gadhafi's son Saif al- Islam captured in Tripoli (Libya). Saif has been captured in a firefight in the Libyan desert.

This piece of news about, Gadhafi's son captured, is very important because it means the end of Gadhafi's dictatorship.
This is very important for all the world, because now other countris can learn from Libya and do the same.

Personaly this piece of news doesn't affect me, because I don't leave in libya or around but it is very important for everybody in Libya and around the world, because it will be the end of Gadhafi's dictatorship and now people of Libya can live in peace.

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011

NEWS: The end of ETA

A few days ago, ETA, a terrorist organitzation of Spain, announced the end of the terrorist actions that have been going on for many years. Will it be true this time?

This piece of news about the end of ETA, is very important because, it means the end of terrorist actions and the attacks in Spain.
This is very important not only for Spain because, all the terrorist actions are important all over the world, because it's the beginning of peace.

Personally this piece of newa doesn't affect me, but it is very important for everybody in Spain because it will be the end of ETA after many years.

Football match

It was on the 5th of December 2011. I went to Santiago Bernaveu to see a football match, between Real Madrid and Olympique Lyon. I'll always remember this day.
Before the match the fans of Real Madrid were fighting with the fans of Olympyque Lyon, and I went to the stadium, because I was afraids.

When the match started everybody was very nervous but they were concentraiting and I was nervous all trough the match.
At the end of the match Real Madrid won the match 3 to 0. I felt wonderful because my team had won.

Finally I went home with the bus.


Music is very important in life. Everybody, everywhere listens to music. People listens to music at any time and at any place.
Music is very important because, you can listen when you are in your car, in your house, in a park or anywhere. You can listen to rock, pop, reggeton, tecno and the varieties of these kinds, hardrock, poprock...
Each culture has its own music.

In general, I like all types of music, except rock. In my opinion the best music is pop and the different varieties of pop. however the music that I listen to changes depending on where I am. For example, I don't listen to rock when I go to the disco.

I listen to music when I am in the car, with my friends, in my house, at any time because with listening to music makes me happy, so music is very important in my life.

To conclude with, music is very important for nearly everybody, because everybody feel's happy when they listen to music.

Frank of the jungle

Frank of the jungle is a tv programme on channel Cuatro. Frank was born in Spain but he lives in Thailand, he is a teacher so he goes to Thailand to teach.

When he arrives there, he is interested in snakes and insects but most of all snakes. Then he decide to take part in the programme on Cuatro.

In the programme, Frank and the cameraman go into the jungle. Frank wants to catch snakes and when he finds one, he takes it and explains the characteristics of the snake, for example: the colour, the poison... Frank is always danger, becaue maybe the snake will bite him and the poison is very dangerous and he could die.

To conclude with, this is an interesting programme and though watching it you can learn a lot of things about all types of snakes, insects and reptiles.

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011


Dear Milco

My name's Sergio Iglesias and I'm sixteen years old. Ihave been living in Castello d'Empuries since I was eleven years old but I was born in Soria.

I like playing sports and my favourite sport is football. I have been playing football since I was five years old, at the moment I'm playing for Esplais the team of my village. I love listening to music, all types of music except heavy metal, it doesn't matter.

Apart from playing football and listening to music,my hobby is watching horror films, I love horror films and my favourite horror film is Insidious.

I'm studing the social Bathillerat because I don't like maths and science subjects. In the future I'd like to study at university perhaps law, but first I have to pass bachillerat and P.A.U.