domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Youth is the important thing in the world

It is true that people worry about youth, but is youth the most important moment in own life?

On the one hand, youth is the best moment in the life of the person. For one thing you are beautiful and young and you enjoy yourself and find a relationship with a perfect person in addition, you have energy to do all things and you don't have to worry.

On the other hand, youth is temporary and finally you become an adult. When you are young, you are a little crazy and after that period you can find stability.

In conclusion, youth is an important stage and I believe that it's true but we shouldn't become obsessed because there are more beautiful moments in life.

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Facebook snaps up Instagram for $1bn

Facebook buy the corporate Instagram for $1bn, Instagram allow them people take photos and with "filters" change the aparience of the photos, classic and other and then pubblish in social networks. Facebook says that Instagram worked independly. This is an important buy for Facebook because many people like Facebook because allowed show with photos all the thoughts about people.

In my opinion this is a good think for Facebook because there are a lot of people use this program and with this but Facebook won a lot of money and a lot of new members but I think that the problem that would be a lot of addicts to Facebook and this wich may make worse this problem.

Spain regions: Catalonia to vote in key elections

Today Catalonia a region of Spain vote in eleccions. Artur Mas the president for the moment call early eleccions because it wants to make the most of crisis. The main cause of the eleccions are independence who want the catalan political parties but the national parties say that they look for excuses because they have a several economic problems and a hight debt.

In one hand I think that the eleccions  in Catalonia are good because if catalan politcs parties get self-goverment for Catalonia the get that things will get very better but in other hand there are a problem because catalonia it can be left out of Europe.

Two arrested over Facebook comments in India

Two women have been arrested in India. They publish a comment in Facebook "People like Thackeray are born and die daily and one should not observe a 'bandh' [shutdown] for that." and for this they have been arrested. 
The analysts,periodists and media must are critical with the government because they think that the government attacks the right to freedom of expression.

In my opinion Facebook that's not good because people pubblish a lot of things and in developed countries there aren't any problems but in this kind of countries there are a lot of problems for example these. It's true that the goverment is very hard because they don't have a crime but people in this kind of countries have to be careful with Facebook and other social networks.

The dramatic scene in Oxford Street

This was the dramatic scene, on Mondey in Oxford Street at seven o'clock in the morning.
The incident began when two people were trapped in a car because they were arguing and  their car fell in a hole that was in the middle of the road.
At first two people were very nervous because they were balancing two wheels. then the police arrived but the rescue was very dangerous and they had telephine the firefighters. Later the firemen arrived and the rescue started and two people became calmer.
After a few hours,, the fire brigade resued the two people who were trapped in the car. The two people weren't hurt but the car was destroyed. Later the driver said " It was the most frightening experience of my live, from now I will drive more carefully".

The football match

Last week, I went to the football playground. I was watching a football match, Madrid was playing against Betis. The match was in Santiago Bernabeu and I went to the stadium by bus. I arrived at seven o'clock in the afternoon but the match started at nine o'clock. I went to the front of the stadium and there were a lot of people, people were support Madrid but also there were a lot of people for Ajax. I decided to went visit the museum of Real Madrid, it was fantastic, there are a lot of cups and prizes. The match started and I sat down, my seat was behind the goal post.
The first ocasion was for Real Madrid, but ten minutes later Beñat a player of Betis scored 1-0. When the first half finished Real Madrid was losing 1-0. During the break time, until playersrest, I went to the bar and ate a sandwich.
A few minutes after started the second part, two minutes later Real Madrid scored, it was a draw. After the goal the match was boring until minute 85. The score was 1-1 and at the last minute Real Madrid scored. Everybody went crazy and they were happpy.
The final score was 2-1 and I went home very satisfeid with my team.


My favourite animal is the cheetah, for his great elegance and skill.
It’s the fastest animal in the world, reaching speeds up to 115 km/h, with his great vision, is what makes him an splendid hunter.
But all these characteristics will not be possible without his special anatomy.
His hearth is big since it has to pump more blood to the whole body, his nostrils are very wide for a superior oxygenation and his claws are characterized for having more traction in high speeds.
Definitively, I have chosen the Cheetah because it is very respected animal, because he has to live alone in the warm savannah and for his great hunting efficiency.

At least 117 killed in fire at Bangladeshi clothing factory

A fire in a clothing factory killed 117 people and 200 people were injured. 2000 people work in the clothing factory but the work of the fireman have been saved a lot of lives. The firefighter fight with a fire very hard because there are cotton and yarn. There are a lot of factories of this type in bangladesh and aproximately 6000 people dead in a fire every year.

I believe that the fire is a very big problem and most worring in this countries. People work without social security, without certaintly of actually being paid and in conditions of extrem poverty, work a lot of hours and a lot of children. The lack of security and conditions in this factories is very worryng and this is the reason that dead a lot of people.

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

Boxer Hector Camacho 'brain dead' after shooting

Hector Camacho is a Puerto Rican former boxer. He received a shot in head and now he is in clinically brain dead. The doctor says that they had done all that they can do, but the bale damage three arteries. The shot have when he stay in a car outside a bar and his friend has dead. The family don't no what to do probably  they decide disconect to life support.

In my opinion this is a terrible news because this acts show the security in the countries of sud america.  But the biggest problem that the famous people of the world of sport are still dying and this is very worring, without mention the million of inocent people that still dying too.

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

Archduke Joseph diamond sells for $21m

Few days ago in switzerland, a famouse diamond has been sold for $21 million. The price of his sale is a record for the sell of diamonds and for the producers about this jewell.The diamond has a form of a cushion, weighs 76 carats, has the most purest colour and has one of the most rarity diamond on the world. In the second war world the diamond was sold and hidden in a lockbox, then reappeared in 1961 and finally was sold another time in 1993.

In my opinion this news there aren't very important for the normall people, because people don't have the money to buy the diamond. In this time the majority of the people have a big problems with the economic crisis, and I think that the people with a normal economic level doesn't interesting this news, because they have a more important things to worry about. And finally I think that people with a hight economic level doesn't think to buy the diamond, except millionaires.