lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

News: New atraction in Port Aventura

The new atraction at Porta Aventura for 2012 is Shambala, expedition to Himalaya. This is of the kind High Coaster and it is situated in China next to Dragon Khan. Shambala is 78 metres high and it will be the highest in Europe. Shambala will break the records of height, length and speed. Shambala will also go through tunnels. Shambala opens in March and a lot of people are looking forward to this day.

In my opinion this is a good bet for the new year, because in Spain, there aren't atraction of this kind and this attracts a lot of people. Shambala will also affect Dragon Khan, because people who like dangerous attractions will go to Shambala and they won't go to Dragon Khan, so Shambala hasn't got loops.

In conclusion Shambala is a good atraction for Port Aventura and I hope to go there this year.

Criticism of the Hound of the Baskervilles

Dr. Mortimer goes to see Holmes to ask for help about death of Charles Baskerville. Mortimer tells Holmes that Charles Baskerville was killed by a hound and tell him that Henry Baskerville the last of the Baskervilles is arriving. They go to Baskerville Hall and Mortimer tells him about the legend of the Hound. Holmes leaves Watson to investigate and return to London. Watson knows  Stapleton, he lives on the moors and Watson is suspicious of him. Finally Sherlock Helmos, who is hiding in the mountains kills the hound. He discovers that Stapleton, who is to blame, is really a Baskerville and he catches him.

In my onpinion it is an interesting mystery book. This book is a typical Sherlock Holmes story with mistery and murders.
Hound of the Baskerville is a very good book, but at the beginning it is a bit boring.
My favourite moment in the story is when Sherlock Holmes discovers that Stapleton, who is to blame, is really a Baskerville.


The city of Cambridge is 80 km from London, which is the capital of Encland. Cambridge is the home of Cambriodge University, one of the best universities in the world. Cambridge started in 1209, it is a very old University.

Many famous people studied at Cambridge the famous mathematician and physicist, Isaac Newton. He graduated in Cambridge university hundreds years ago. Stephen Hawking, who is a famous phycisit, studied and graduated in Cambridge too.

Cambridge University had very important role in football history. In 1848, people from other schools and universities got together at Cambridge and made the Cambridge Rules, because before each used different rules.


Coca-Cola is the most famous soft drink all over the world. The drink was invented by Dr. John Pemberton, on May 1886 in Atlanta but Frank Robinson, who was his partner gave the name Coca-Cola.

In the first year, only nine drinks a day were sold but nowadays 1'6 billion gallons are sold every year in one hundred and sixty countries.

The business of Coca-Cola was bought by a man called Asa Candler in 1888. He opened the first factory in 1895, in Dallas, Texas, Coca-Cola is still made there. Billions of bottles and cans of Coca-Cola have been produced since 1895.

Apart from Coca-Cola, nowadays the business sells other famous products, for example, Fanta, Aquarius...


The general opinion about T.V is that it is exciting, powerful and very dangerous.

T.V has advantages. It has the power to educate, it is a window on the world and children can learn a lot of things from watching it. T.V is a cheap form of entertainment which gives pleasure to millions of people too.

T.V has disadvantages too. It can turn children into criminals and it is also possible that television has had a terrible effect on family life. People and families spend hours in front of "the box" with a result that there is no comunication between families.

Nowadays there are a lot of people who are addicts and the experts think, that one way of changing this is reducing the hours of television in some way.

In conclusion I think television is just another form of entertainament and if you have and if you have another form of entertainment, you wouldn't be addicted to T.V.

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012


Last year I went to Barcelona in Spain, I will never forget this day, the sun was shiing in a clear blue sky.

In the morning I visited the stone wall, then I went to the beach, here I saw the old port.

In the afternoon I went to the church "Sagrada Familia" it was very beautiful and impressive. It has very strange forms, but it is very beatiful.

Then I went to the " Parc Güell" it was very beatiful too, but "Sagrada Familia" was more impressive.

My last visit was "Camp Nou", the football stadium of C.F Barcelona and its museum.

At the end of the day, I was happy to sit down in a small cafe to have a drink.